
Frequency distribution chart

The frequency distribution chart displays the number of tickets aggregated by the given variable

Line chart

The frequency distribution chart displays the cumulative number of tickets aggregated by the given variable over time

Activity chart

The activity chart displays a time series chart with the main user interactions, e.g. issues created, issues resolved, issue updates, and comments

Bubble chart

The bubble chart displays a data set with three dimensions. It plots two numerical fields in cartesian coordinates and the third field is used to group the tickets

Burnup chart

The burn-up chart tracks progress towards completion

Count chart

This chart displays the number of tickets that match the given filter

Created vs. resolved chart

The created vs. resolved chart displays the total number of tickets created and resolved in the given time frame

Numerical measures chart

This chart calculates descriptive measures (mean, min, max, sum) of the selected field

Numerical measures comparison chart

This chart calculates descriptive measures (mean, min, max, sum) of the selected field grouped by the given independent field

Gantt chart

The gantt chart displays the breakdown of tickets included in the given filter

Gauge chart

A gauge chart displays the number of tickets

Histogram chart

The histogram chart displays a representation of the distribution of numerical data

Scatter chart

The scatter chart uses cartesian coordinates to display numerical values